August 2004

August 2004

Appa (my father) grew up in a hamlet and wanted his kid to pursue the ‘American Dream’ ; I obliged as a dutiful son

July 2007

July 2007

Appa passed in a road accident, I was to realize more than a decade later that it was one of the best things that happened to our family 



Fall in love, they said. Get Married, they said. Didn’t say anything about a divorce. It happened and it made me a better man



Not before I abused alcohol enough to go to jail on drunk driving charges. You think that experience would change me? You’ll be surprised 



And then there was light! Well, it began at least. The practice of Ashtanga yoga that I started and continue to this day is a cornerstone of my life 



Two 10 day silent retreats in the same year should leave you refreshed and ready to take on the world, right? hmm..Transformational it was, not in the way you would imagine 



Yes, All that you hear about Burning Man is true, it is also an intense, cathartic experience should you choose to invite it



If you take part in the Spiritual Olympics, you have to go for gold. Ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon jungles led to my death and rebirth multiple times 

2021 to Present Day

2021 to Present Day

I answered my divine calling during the pandemic – The birth of calmcorporate to enable a more present world

From the outside, it looked like I had the perfect life –  dream job of a management consultant, downtown highrise apartment, shiny sports car. However, I could not hold a relationship with a woman even if my life depended on it and the relationship with my mother and sister were nothing to speak of

Seeking (more) answers, I truly started my self-actualization journey with back to back intense 10 day Vipassana meditation courses followed by my foray into the world of plant medicine. The much needed route to healing I embarked on, first fixed the relationship I had with myself and then those closest to me. Now, I share the techniques that helped me lead a better life with you

When I’m not doing yoga, meditating, conducting workshops, creating content I listen to  music ranging from Indian Carnatic to Tribal Techno, and read about history & behavioral economics. I’m an undiagnosed podcast addict and an aficionado of Single Malts, Mezcals and Trichinopoly Cigars

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