Appa And I

Today marks 14 years since Appa passed in a road accident in Bangalore, India. I was 24 and had finished grad school recently and was

Vipassana Part – 1

  Foreword : Whilst you would think that a 10 day silent meditation would leave one refreshed, energised – ready to take on the world

Vipassana Part – 2

  Part 2: The trials and tribulations continue on from Day 4. To read about the why I went to a 10 day silent meditation

You are what you drink

What is whisky list doing in a blog about consciousness? Well, to find that out you need to watch my video on how what (if)

Rewiring Sickness

That was me 3 years ago. Yup, I looked like shit and felt shittier. I’ve always killed it at work and even got a new

My Learnings from Ayahuasca

The Shamans that Healed me from my First Journey The plant medicine Ayahuasca has been one of my greatest teachers and I pay tribute to

Burning Man 2019 Lessons

My first burn was in 2017, I was a virgin & a tourist. At the end of it, I was like, meh, for this money